The core point of view:
It is estimated that the global automotive display shipments for before market in 2022 is about 176 Mil., a YoY increase of about 7.8% and the install rate per car is about 2.2 pieces
The strategy of mainland panel makers is aggressive, and foreign-funded makers turn to high-end profit-seeking
Nearly 70% of automotive display’s size of China Mainland NEV demand are more than 10 inches, accelerating the increase in the size of the automotive display.
It is estimated that the global automotive display shipments for before market in 2022 is about 176 Mil., a YoY increase of about 7.8% and the install rate per car is about 2.2 pieces.
According to Sigmaintell’s statistics, global vehicle sales in 2022 were about 80.2 Mil., a leveled-off YoY. As the shortage of automotive chips has gradually eased, the global auto industry has ushered in recovery, and sales have improved significantly. In 22Q3, global vehicle sales were about 20.3 million, a YoY increase of 10.7%.
In the era of intelligence, where mobile internet has become an infrastructure, the automotive industry is gradually moving closer to smartphones. Under the current situation, NEVs are subtly diluting the concept of traditional vehicles, and emerging words such as "third space" and "smart cockpit" are gradually entering the attention of consumers. According to Sigmaintell’s data, global sales of NEVs exceeded 10 Mil. for the first time in 2022, and the proportion of sales of NEVs increased to more than 10%. Traditional fuel vehicles are turning to electric and hybrid vehicles.

Driven by the continuous boom in demand for end vehicles, especially NEVs, the demand for automotive displays has also ushered in growth. According to Sigmaintell’s statistics, it is estimated that the global automotive display shipments for before market will be approximately 176 Mil. in 2022, an increase of approximately 7.8% YoY, and the install rate per car is about 2.2 pieces, an increase of approximately 0.2 points YoY. Among them, in 22Q3, the global automotive display for before-market shipped about 45.5 million piece, a YoY increase of about 10.3%.
The strategy of mainland panel makers is aggressive, and foreign-funded makers turn to high-end profit-seeking.
Along with the sluggish demand for other applications, panel makers are also paying more attention to the automotive display business, and new panel makers are constantly joining in. At the same time, the upstream and downstream supply chains penetrate each other, and the competition is becoming fiercer. Major panel makers have deepened communication with OEMs and consolidated cooperation with their customers by increasing investment in automotive display-related fields. According to Sigmaintell’s statistics, global shipments of automotive display for before market in the first three quarters of 2022 were about 130 Mil. (Only before-market), a YoY increase of about 6.9%. From the perspective of the competitive landscape of panel makers, the specific performance is as follows:
With the gradual easing of orders affected by the domestic epidemic situation in Q2, Tianma’s global vehicle panel shipments in Q3 achieved a double YoY increase. The total shipments in the first three quarters were about 21.2 Mil., a YoY increase of about 10.0%. At the same time, with the support of the "2+1+N" strategy, Tianma continues to strengthen the core position of the automotive display business, invest in new production lines, accelerate the development and investment of cutting-edge new technologies such as Micro LED, and strengthen cooperation with customers. Consolidate its leading edge in the automotive display.
Against the backdrop of strong market demand for automotive displays, with the further popularization of the integrated cockpit, HUD, and other products on end models, and with the alleviation of material shortages in the supply chain in Q3, JDI shipments increased significantly in Q3. According to Sigmaintell’s survey data, automotive display shipments in the 2022Q3 were approximately 20 Mil., a YoY increase of approximately 20.5%, helping its automotive display business hit a new high. At the same time, as JDI withdraws from the mobile phone field, it will pay more attention to the production capacity and technology investment in the automotive display business in the future.
Relying on leading innovative display technology and huge production capacity advantages, BOE has developed automotive products in various technical aspects, including a-Si LCD, LTPS LCD, OLED, etc. They have achieved good cooperation With most new forces of car-making, and the shipments in vehicles still maintain rapid growth. In the first three quarters of 2022, the global shipments of display panels in the automotive market were about 23.83 Mil., of which about 16.21 Mil. are for before-market, a substantial increase of about 36.4% YoY. %, ranking third in the industry, with rapid growth.
Entering 22H2, with the gradual improvement of the automobile market, AUO shipped about 15.55 Mil. of automotive display in the first three quarters. Facing the aggressive strategy of mainland panel makers, its shipments have encountered considerable challenges, showing a downward trend. However, its product strategy has shifted to LTPS products with better profitability, and it has continuously increased the distribution of vehicle production capacity of the Kunshan LTPS LCD production line. LTPS automotive panel shipments accounted for about 35% of its overall shipments in Q3.
LGD shipped about 12.21 Mil. of automotive display in the first three quarters, a YoY decrease of about 13.4%. Under the strategy of pursuing high profits, the proportion of LGD's LTPS LCD vehicle product shipments has further expanded, and the Mercedes-Benz EQS mass production of high-end luxury models equipped with its OLED products will help it continue to maintain its market-leading position in OLED automotive products.
Nearly 70% of automotive display’s size of China Mainland NEV demand are more than 10 inches, accelerating the increase in the size of automotive displays.
With the help of automobile intelligence, as an important hardware facility for human-computer interaction, while the scale of automotive display continues to grow, the trend of large screens and multi-screens is accelerating. As one of the most important automobile markets in mainland China, the development speed of its automotive display is more obvious. According to Sigmaintell’s statistics, the demand for automotive display panels for passenger cars in mainland China in 22Q3 exceeded 12 Mil. , of which the demand for displays above 10 inches accounted for about 46.8%. Among them, the NEV‘s demand for automotive display panels contributed more than 3.2 Mil., accounting for 26% of the total demand, and the demand for 10-inch screens and above was as high as 67.8%, helping the overall market size of the automotive display to grow rapidly.

As the best carrier for intelligent vehicles, NEVs are more active in the use of screens. The scale of use of high-end display technology products such as AMOLED displays and Mini-LED BLU is also gradually expanding, and the development of product sizes is more rapid, driving the automotive market. The accelerated development of display towards high resolution, large size, and narrow bezels.
随着受二季度国内疫情封控影响的订单逐步缓解,三季度天马(Tianma)全球车载面板出货实现同环比双增,前三季度合计出货约为2120万片,同比增长约10.0%,同时在“2+1+N”的战略支持下,持续强化车载业务的核心地位,进行新的产线投资,加快布局Micro LED等前沿新技术方面的开发与投入,加强与客户间的合作,巩固其车载显示方面的领先优势。
京东方(BOE)依托领先的创新显示技术和庞大的产能优势,在包括a-Si LCD、LTPS LCD、OLED等各技术别方面均有车载产品开发,重点开拓新能源汽车市场,与国内众多新势力品牌均取得良好的合作,在车载出货量仍保持高速增长,2022年前三季度全球车载市场显示面板出货约2383万片,其中前装市场出货约1621万片,同比大幅增长约36.4%,位列行业第三,增速迅猛。
进入下半年,随着汽车市场的逐渐好转,友达(AUO)前三季度其车载显示面板整体出货约为1555万片,面对大陆面板厂的激进策略,其出货受到不小的挑战,同比呈现下降趋势。不过其产品策略转向获利更好的LTPS产品,不断加大昆山LTPS LCD产线车载产能的分配,其LTPS LCD产品占比保持稳定增长,其三季度LTPS车载面板出货约占其整体出货的35%。
LG显示(LGD)前三季度车载显示面板出货量约1221万片,同比下滑约13.4%,在追求高利润的策略下,LGD的LTPS LCD车载产品出货比重进一步扩大,并且随着奔驰EQS等搭载其OLED产品的高端豪华车型的量产,助力其在OLED车载产品方面继续保持市场领先的位置。
新能源汽车作为汽车智能化的最佳载体,在屏幕的使用上更加积极, AMOLED显示屏、Mini-LED背光等高端显示技术产品的使用规模也逐渐扩大,产品尺寸方面的发展更加迅速,带动车载显示屏向高分辨率,大尺寸化、窄边框等方向的加速发展。